Neuro Emotional Technique
We use Neuro Emotional Technique (NET) to discover and help you resolve “stuck” emotional patterns.

Many are amazed when their arm goes weak when recalling the memory of an unresolved emotionally-charged event.
The Source of Many Health Problems
Emotions add richness to our lives. Everyday, countless emotions are expressed and forgotten. But in a weakened state, emotionally-charged events can occur and our body may not “let go” of the emotion. The result? Unhealthy aversions, self-sabotaging behaviors, destructive tendencies and many chronic health problems.
Simple Muscle Testing
NET helps identify the unresolved real (or imagined) event and assists your body in dissipating its lingering emotional charge.
Finding and balancing these stuck memory loops is done with the help of simple muscle testing—usually your arm. This helps determine if your body is “in harmony” with a concept or idea linked to an unresolved emotional event. (Sound interesting? Ask for a demonstration!)
A New Sense of Freedom
Once the original triggering event has been identified, a simple procedure allows your body to release the “stuck” emotional pattern. Almost instantly, many report a feeling as though a heavy burden has been lifted from their shoulders.
Our patients appreciate the fact that they remain in control of their NET session and can suspend the proceedings if things get too personal or uncomfortable.